Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween...

In honor of Halloween, I'm posting a couple of pictures I took Summer 07, when Meg, Uncle Jimmy, and I took a tracking course in the Great Smokey Mountains. No, they have nothing to do with each other...I'd forgotten these pictures until they popped up on my screensaver, and I thought they were neat!

There are, or at least were, beavers along Abrams Creek in Cades Cove. Saw some of their dams, but no live sightings.

Abrams Creek. Just beautiful!

And this is what you really wanted to see...Meg was "Molly, the American Girl", which is some sort of doll series for those of you without young daughters or granddaughters. She, of course, was dressed to match the doll beside her. Matt was a noisy pumpkin.
Went trick or treating for about an hour here in the neighborhood. Nancy Brown came over to tour with us. Dad Mark walked escort patrol with me whilst the moms held down the fort. Nancy managed not to hurt herself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great blog and I think I now know how to leave a message. Let's see! So happy to make the pictures...esp. with Matt and Meg at tailgate. As for the idiots who think you are the grandparents...tell them to get glasses. Meg, loved the Halloween custome. FABULOUS....and the screaming pumpkin was fabulous, too.