Thursday, November 13, 2008

Update on Grandma Mitchell...

I'd said I didn't want to dwell on this, but it's been about all I've dealt with for almost 2 weeks. From the previous post, things have changed quite a bit. She spent about a week in the Critical Care Unit (what used to be icu) at Parkwest, 4 days of it with the ventilator (?). Was then moved to private room, then Monday we moved her to Hillcrest North nursing home. She went there under the auspices of hospice, but the doctor there thinks she could be helped with some rehab, so they took her off hospice care (had never heard of that happening, have you?). Still in less than great shape, not walking yet, but for someone that essentially had "Last Rites" twice last week, she's doing pretty good.

Oh, and Matt's fine.

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