Saturday, December 13, 2008


I'm a little loopy. Continuing the "it's always something", Hope calls me early yesterday (Friday) from the hospital, says she's sick and has been throwing up. I dump Meg on a neighbor at 6:30 (thanks, Susie), get dressed and off to the hospital. It's now10:45 Saturday morning, and I just got home. Hope had picked up a stomach bug of some sort (they said that something was going around the hospital), and had to have a neighbor (thanks again, Susie) come pick her up. So while Hope tried to keep her cookies, I had Matt duty for a double shift. That said, he's doing pretty well. They've taken him off the oxygen and reduced the medications, so we hope to get him home tomorrow (Sunday). Be another week before he can go back to daycare. Hope has recovered and is back at the hospital (odd, she's feeling better, so she's back at the hospital). I'm going to bed.

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