Friday evening Hope and I went to the 40th birthday party of a friend of ours, Charles McRae. Our first outing without the baby! I was disappointed we had to leave as early as we did - there was a bonfire! Grunt, snort...Daddy like fire. But I digress. When we got home, Bebe the babysitter took Meg to her house for a sleepover, and Hope, Matt, and I roadtripped for a late Friday evening shopping trip to Walmart. Always fun. Matt and I checked out the HD TVs while Hope shopped. He liked the Sony, 46".
Then came Saturday. Hope, Meg, and Matt stayed home, I took the priest to the football game. Didn't do any good. Gonna be a long year. Enough about that. Tailgating was fun, though!
The Vinson's stopped by while I was at the game - in their Georgia gear, no less, and brought some great cherry cobbler. Still no picture, though.
This morning (Sunday), we loaded up the family and went to church. We told ourselves it was to get Matt a special blessing, but I'm pretty sure we were showing off. At least I was. Sorry, God. This afternoon we were visited by our longtime tailgate friends VA Branum and Heather. No, Heather isn't mono-named, like Cher and Madonna, I'm just too old to remember her last name. VA sorta introduced Hope and I, for which I will be forever grateful (he says with a mostly straight face).
And Megan Brown brought some food by. Very nice of her, since she spent her Saturday evening with her daughter Nancy (pictured in an earlier post) at Children's Hospital treating Nancy's broken arm. Broke it in a fishing accident. Interesting tale of "swimming against the current" as they drove to Children's through the post game traffic. For those out of town, Children's is just off-campus, so there were 100,000 people going the other way while they tried to get there.
Speaking of food, I've been remiss in not thanking our neighbors, who have taken turns bringing dinner every other night since we've been home. In every case there has been enough for at least lunch the next day, as well. The Moye's, Williams', Robins' and Ziokowski's (yeah, I looked up how to spell it) have been a huge help.
1 comment:
I'd like to comment on the fact that I haven't left a comment yet. Very commentable.
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