Sunday, September 14, 2008


The little tyke isn't even 24 hours old yet, but he's gotten to meet a whole bunch of folks today. We are so grateful to all of you that have stopped by, thankful to all of you that haven't (it's been busy), and understanding of those who are unable to.

Matthew hasn't learned any new tricks today, so I'm a little disappointed on that front. He has done great being passed around, and going from the straight jacket-like cocoon of the swaddling the nurses do, to the let the onesy hang out that the rest of us like so we can check out those little toes and hands!

It's been pointed out that we have had the "comments" turned off, which I think I have fixed. I'm hoping Kathryn Vinson will double check me on that. Anyway, if you have left a comment, it's been lost in cyberspace. If you want to let us know how perfect and beautiful our little Bubba is, try again!

Father Cal dropped by looking a little more official than he did Saturday.

Mom and Dad (that's Mom up there, and me down there), both fairly well pleased with themselves.
There are approximately 1418 more pictures that were taken today, but they are all in Uncle Mark's camera. I'll post any good ones he sends me later!


Anonymous said...

Hey Baby Matt! You are so cute! I know Mommy and Daddy and your sister are so happy to see you and hold you and love on are a blessing to us all. I can't wait to meet you Stacy

Anonymous said...

Okay, I think I undestand how to send a comment now...Thank you Scott for the play by play action of the day...Leave it to Hope to want to go to a UT game hours before giving birth,hehe..your son is beautiful and I must say my favorite picture is seeing Meg hold her baby brother, what a joy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Matthew, you are one lucky little guy to have SO many fans!! We're all very glad that you've arrived safe and sound - extra points for keeping that big grin on your mom's face! You've been born into an incredible family... and you have a wonderful future ahead of you. Rest assured that you'll learn to "go long" and catch a pass before you're out of Pampers! Congrats to all of you...and welcome to the 'hood, kidlet! We love you! Cheryl, Emily & Sarah

Anonymous said...

Everyone looks great! Matt is a cutie! Take care of yourself and see you when you get home!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Matt is beautiful!! I am so glad that he is already a proven UT fan, making sure he arrived on game day but let mom and dad go to the game first! I think that is yet another crazy ACS delivery story!! Can't wait to see you!!

Love, Caitlin

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mitchell Family! God bless all of you. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Marianne & Andy Benson